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Source Cooperative LogotypeSource Cooperative Logotype

Source Cooperative Documentation

Source Cooperative is a data publishing utility that allows trusted organizations and individuals to share data using standard HTTP methods.

A core belief behind Source is that it should be much easier for people and organizations to share data on the open web.

Commoditized cloud object storage has made it easier than ever to store and share data, but it has not made it easier to discover and access that data. Source is an attempt to change this by making it easy for data providers to publish data in an object storage service and make it available on the open web without needing to run their own server, create a data portal, an API, or a dashboard.

Source is currently in beta, but all data hosted in Source is available to the public and can be accessed by anyone. If you would like to publish data to Source, please apply to be a beta tester.

Contributing to Source

The code for Source is open source and available on GitHub. We welcome pull requests, bug reports, and feature requests to:

We also seek volunteers and contractors to help with documentation, design, and community management. If you are interested in contributing to Source, please contact us.

Funding and Governance

Source is developed, maintained, and governed by Radiant Earth, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We are exploring cooperative governance models for Source that we may implement in the future, and have drafted proposed bylaws at

Current development of Source is funded by the Navigation Fund's Open Science Initiative. If you are interested in providing financial support to accelerate development of Source, please contact us.